Yesterday the men sat through written exams for their first two classes. Aside from some communication difficulties I was pleased with the results of the James exams I graded. I gave myself the task of having nineteen student names memorized before that first exam. I got close.
Last night I began teaching a survey of Paul's letter to the church at Rome (Romans). I have to cover about one chapter per hour in order to finish. I have 160 pages of notes. Simple math. Fast talking. Tired translator.
I have not said anything about my fellow teachers. In addition to my James and Romans classes, the students get to sit under Dr. Allan Monroe (retired from Cedarville University), who is teaching Christology and the gospel of John. He is a real treasure and I am privileged to glean crumbs of wisdom from our conversations. Dr. Jim Bearss (founder of the school) is also here managing administration and carrying on his other Teaching duties (Moody Bible Institute) online.
One more cultural tidbit I learned from being stuck in rush hour (which is pretty much 24/7 on Route des Freres): In Haiti a very good way to get through traffic snags is to find an emergency vehicle and "draft." Trouble is that some emergency vehicles are given the same courtesy as funeral coaches.
We have passed the halfway point for these modules. I have crested the hill and this horse smells the barn. Home comes soon.
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