It's 5:41 a.m. I've been up since four. As we say in the Industry, I'm paid up, prayed up, packed and ready to go. The plane to Miami (...Chicago...MSP) is scheduled to leave at about noon CST.
We passed out certificates of completion to the men last night before supper. I was impressed. I brought my commentary on James to Haiti in a three-ring binder with the intent of finding someone here who could use it. I decided to give it to someone who aced the final exam for James and come up with a tie-breaker using other criteria. No one aced the exam, but I found a way to isolate a man for the prize. A part of the grade was to read the epistle of James four times in four days. Most of the students made it, but Lestin Savin read it nine times. He went home with a new book.
If you have any prejudices about Caribbean people (particularly men) being lazy, don't tack it on Haiti. The fifty percent unemployment is unrelated to the work ethic here. Many of the paintings and carvings you see show people at work. Our students were no exception. Academic work of this kind was new to most of them, but they were up to the challenge. I heard group studying noises (not rowdy dorm noices) well into each night and before the sun every morning.
I am anxious to get home, but I have had my eyes opened both to how good I have it and how worthless are the things I think will bring me comfort and happiness. God does not need American wealth to build His kingdom. Jesus died to redeem His people out of every tribe, tongue and nation. I found some of those people here and they are trophies of God's grace.
I was a wonderful thing that God could use you in this way........still its good to have you back with us.