Haiti Bible Institute, February 22, 2014

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Whether curiosity or or shared concern brings you here I'm pleased when anyone is willing to listen to what I have to say.

I decided that today I would give you a brief look at the school that first brought me to Haiti.

Dr. Jim Bearss founded Haiti Bible Institute in 2009 because he saw that the academic preparation for church leaders in Haiti was largely very poor. The pastors themselves agreed heartily with that assessment.

Some pastors here are privileged to come to the US for theological education, but that is not practical for most. Modular classes in this culture are helpful but provide little continuity, accountability or academic standards.

Through scholarships provided to On Target Ministry, a select group of students receive room and board for eight days in the spiring and fall. In the Associate Certificate program each student is required to complete 32 classes. We are in the process of getting accreditation here in Haiti. Of the five instructors on site today I am the only one without an earned doctorate. I get to run with the big dogs.

Today I will finish teaching Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels and begin Introduction to Biblical Counseling. We take a break for worship in the morning tomorrow. I'll plan to feature that pleasant experience here.

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